Are you looking for things to do in Sremski Karlovci?
Come and try our Sremski Karlovci Treasure Hunt in Dvorska basta (Royal garden)
We have different games for you, some of them are for children and some of them for adults and for the whole family as well. Here is our offer for Sremski Karlovci Treasure Hunt :
1. Robbed crocodile
Our good, old friend, crocodile, is really sad because someone has kidnapped his children and stolen his valuables. Get a map and help him find his boys and girls first. Later on we will search for his money, jewelry and other things.
During the whole time you will have the help from our trainer (animator). At the end you will get a nice present.
Duration: around 45 minutes
Location: sports stadium in Royal garden (Dvorska basta, Sremski Karlovci)
Price: 25e
2. Travelling crocodile
Let’s go to the forest and find all the things our good, old friend has lost. Karlo, the crocodile, likes to travel just like you. During all those years he has visited so many countries. We will search for shells, magnets, photos and all other favorite traveling memories.
During the whole time you will have the help from our trainer (animator). At the end you will get a nice present.
Duration: around 45 minutes
Location: Royal garden (Dvorska basta, Sremski Karlovci)
Price: 25e
3. Find the magic wine from Müller winemaker
As you may know, Sremski Karlovci is famous for its wine and vineyards. Tom, the funny winemaker, has created something special. There will be many tasks and riddles and we are going to solve them together. During the time, you will find out more about Sremski Karlovci, Bermet, its famous drink, and about Royal garden (Dvorska basta) as well.
During the whole time, we will be in a beautiful park, Royal Garden.
Duration: around 45 minutes
Location: Royal garden (Dvorska basta, Sremski Karlovci)
Price: 25e
4. Treasure hunt in Royal Garden (Sremski Karlovci)
Find the hidden treasure in the Royal Garden. It is a chest full of gold, diamonds and jewelry.
Let’s walk or run together and find it. It is not going to be so easy, but we will help you. Our treasure hunt map will help you.
During the whole time, we will be in a beautiful park, Royal Garden. At the end of the game you will get a nice present and also you can also take some gold, diamonds and jewelry from the treasure box.
Duration: around 45 minutes
Location: Royal garden (Dvorska basta, Sremski Karlovci)
Price: 25e
Contact us and make a reservation: +381641017669
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